▶▶▶ HELP TEA! Venue here
We don't often have sales on a daily basis.
If you have time, we would be happy if you could read about why we started the HELP TEA! sale!
We would like to thank all of our customers who purchase our products at Goencha stores, retailers nationwide, and our online shop.
We want you to be able to enjoy shopping as much as possible, whenever and wherever you are.
Goen Tea has nearly 1,000 varieties of tea, but we do not keep all of them in stock on a daily basis.
While we sell tea in our shop, we often make tea that is out of stock after receiving an order.
And that does take a bit of work.
So why do we do this? Because of this,
・No excess inventory ・Less waste ・Provide customers with what they want, when they want it, and in the quantities they need
We are implementing initiatives such as these that we believe are good for everyone and the environment.
This is possible because Goencha is unique in that it handles everything from planning and design to printing, manufacturing and sales.
However, sometimes there are unavoidable cancellations,
Sometimes there is leftover tea leaves from the purchase or products from the production process, and some of the tea products are approaching their expiration date.
On those occasions, we would hold giveaways in store and take advantage of the opportunity to offer plenty of samples.
However, the prices of many goods and services have recently increased.
Even if the expiration date is approaching or the season has passed, you can still enjoy the delicious tea without any problems.
For those of you who regularly use Goencha, we are offering a special discount on your purchase.
I began to wonder if this was something that was good for everyone.
We would be very happy if you could help us with these teas that are no longer sold in regular stores.
This is only a limited number of products, but we are having a sale on Goencha "HELP TEA!"
I'll start by saying...
It's not always there, it just pops up at the sale venue, but if you see it,
We would be very grateful if you could help us with these teas that have a bit of a problem.