February 3rd is Setsubun.
After throwing beans to drive away demons, why not pray for good health and prosperity with a cup of warm Goen Fukucha tea?
"Fukucha" is a lucky tea that is drunk on New Year's Day and Setsubun.
Goen Tea's "Goen Fukucha" comes in a cute package featuring a Okame and an Oni (demon), making it perfect for yourself or as a small gift.
↑↑↑Check out Goen Fukucha now!

The Okame contains one gyokuro tea bag, and the Oni contains one roasted green tea tea bag.
In addition, in a separate bag
・Dried plums
・Lucky beans (3 pieces)
- Two sets of kelp are included.
Drinking Fukucha is easy!
Simply place lucky beans, dried plums, kelp, and a tea bag in a teacup and pour hot water over it.
Leave it for about 2 minutes to allow the color and aroma of the tea leaves to develop and then you can enjoy the delicious Fukucha.

Konbu: Happy (Happy Konbu!)
Dried plums: for the auspicious pine, bamboo and plum blossoms and to counteract poison
Lucky beans: Work diligently
This set was created with these thoughts in mind, to be fitting for Setsubun, a day when people pray for good health and freedom from illness. In addition to "Goen Fuku Tea," we also have Setsubun tea in our greeting tea section that can be easily given as a gift.
Demons are drinking tea outside|Setsubun
Good fortune is Uchicha|Setsubun
Demons are drinking tea outside|Setsubun
Good fortune is Uchicha|Setsubun
With cups of hot tea in their hands, both the demon and the lady are smiling brightly.
Enjoy Setsubun even more with some delicious tea!